Willie McCool, 1961-2003
Most Inspirational Friends
The member of Friends designated Most Inspirational by our board, awarded each March. Also known as the Willie McCool Award, in memory of its first awardee, who was lost in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster before he could receive the award.
2003 Willie McCool (NASA Space Shuttle Columbia pilot, hiker)
2004 Jim Whittaker (mountaineer, author)
2005 David Morris (ONP retired Superintendent, Peace Corps volunteer)
2006 Ray Lovely (ONP Volunteer Coordinator)
2007 Barb Maynes (ONP Information Officer)
2008 Dr. Paul Gleeson (archeologist, ONP Chief of Cultural Resources)
2009 Ross Hamilton (noted local photographer)
2010 Backcountry Horsemen of Washington (volunteer trail maintenance)
2011 Neil & Lisa Turnberg (plant nursery volunteers)
2012 Mayor Cherie Kidd (Hurricane Ridge winter access)
2013 Larry Stetson (late president & board member, FONP)
2014 Beth Rossow (volunteer Bogachiel backcountry ranger)
2015 Dave Skinner (Park trails volunteer)
2016 Dr. Sam Baker (Park volunteer, medical & trails)
2017 Mike and Sue Raney (for founding Olympic Conservation Corps trail crews)
2018 Becca Wanagel (WTA volunteer crew leader)
2019 Jeff Monroe (for moving Enchanted Valley Chalet)
2021 Dale Julander (Newsletter Editor)
2022 Ray Weinmann & Ray Weigel- Presidential Awards Volunteerism
2023 Dave and Kathy Anderson (community and FONP volunteerism)
2024 Desiree Marble-Research & Implementation East Beach Graffiti Removal
Most Inspirational Park Employee
Member of the Park staff deemed "Most Inspirational" for work done in their Park roles by coworkers/supervisors.
2009 Sue McGill - Deputy Superintendent
2010 Janis Burger - Hurricane Ridge Interpretive Ranger & Naturalist
2011 Don "Duck" Houk - Backcountry Carpenter
2012 Dave Colthorp - Maintenance Supervisor
2013 Clare Donato - Packer
2014 Larry Nickey - Fire/Emergency Manager
2015 Gay Hunter - Archivist
2016 Heather Stephens - Volunteer Coordinator
2017 Larry Lack - Trails Supervisor
2018 Boone Jones, head packer and Greg Marsh, interpretative ranger
2019 Dean Butterworth - Outreach & Education Specialist
2021 Dave Allen - Botanist, Manager Matt Albright Nursery
2022 Patti Happe - Chief Wildlife Biologist
2023 Amber Nixon, Kelsy Weaver, Jessica Shiepko-Administrative Assistants to Park Leadership
2024 Jared Low, Supervisory Interpretive Park Ranger